Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Come on and celebrate!!!!

We had a big reason to celebrate last weekend, my sister and Johnnie got married! It was a beautiful day and everything turned out perfect. Cole was a big part of the festivities, he was the ring bearer and a mighty cute one too. With that role you never know how the kid is going to do, they either go screaming and crying down the aisle, refuse to go down the aisle, or put on a big show with some silliness. I thought Cole would do good since he's not shy and I'm glad I was right. He walked down like a big boy, you could tell he was really excited to be apart of it. And best of all, he looked so freakin cute in his suit. I wish I had a thousand pictures of him in it!! :) And he loved loved loved his tie and shiny shoes. Who would have thought from the boy that loves to be in his pj's all day if he had a choice. Overall, it was an awesome day, the reception was outside and the weather was perfect. Cole even danced with the bride and some of the ladies. Congrats Bubbers and JJoe!!! Love ya!
The Happy Couple!

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