Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Bubba Love!

I can't believe my little man is 5 years old today, that just seems so much older than 4. He is growing up and changing so fast right before my eyes. He is full of personality and is all about playing and having a good time. He is very sociable and loves to make friends with anyone. This will be his last week at daycare and then it's time for big boy school. As sad as I am he's growing up so fast, I love watching him discover and learn new things. I love love love being a Mommy to this boy, and I feel he gives me so much more love back. :) Have a happy day!



Happy birthday to Cole! What a wonderful day for you and your family!

He looks awesome! Hope that "big boy" school goes well next week!

Pamela Marshall
Ethan's mom - 12 months old, PBD

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Cole!!!! You are just so handsome!!!! Miss & love you guys!!!! xoxo