Friday, April 08, 2011

April Already?

Happy Spring!!! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by, so much has been going on. Things are going great this way, always on the go as usual. Cole is enjoying school and continues to learn so many new and amazing things everyday. He's still going to speech therapy and I think or should I say I know some days he'd rather be at home playing outside. :) Who can blame the kid, he works really hard! The weather has been great the last couple of weeks, we're trying to enjoy as many outdoor activities as we can before the heatwave approaches us. Although Cole continues to change everyday some of his loves remain the same... BIG trucks, motorcycles, Mickey Mouse, trains, racecars, his four wheeler, signing songs, and getting as dirty as possible. He also has a new love of baseball, he got a set for Christmas and has really enjoyed playing and is pretty good. Roxy likes to play in the outfield and steal all the balls. :) Enjoy the pictures below, I hope that come across clear, for some reason they look fuzzy to me on the blog...

1 comment:

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

girl.....Mr. C is lookin' like a teenager these days!! when did he grow up so fast!!! that sweet, sweet face...makes me smile every time!! miss you terribly!! love you, friend!!