Thursday, November 04, 2010

Mr. C is busy as a bee!!

It finally feels like fall in the air and I'm loving it. As much as I love the summer, I'm not sad to see those miserable 100 degree temps go bye bye. Football season is here and the festivities have begun. Cole has had a good school year so far, we met with his teacher last week for his 9 week assessment and she had a lot of great things to say. It's neat and entertaining to hear some of the stories she has to share. As a parent you think you know your kid pretty well, but it's interesting to hear how they are when you're not around. Some of things don't surprise you and some of them do. :) He is doing really good with his letters and shapes. He got his numbers 1-10 down, and she would like to add more to the mix. They are also working on patterns.. For example, AB..AB..BA..BA..AB.. what comes next? They are doing a lot more question and answers discussions. Also word association is really important right now and he's starting to get all that. She said he has really enjoyed story time this year, which wasn't a surprise because he loves to read books every night. I think that's so important to keep that brain growing. He also enjoys puzzles and he is getting really good at writing his name down all by himself. And this was no surprise, he really gets into music and sing along songs. He is a big entertainer and loves to sing songs. He's also enjoys it when Daddy plays the guitar for him. Speech Therapy is also going great, this lady is really good at what she does and Cole loves working with her. She's able to keep his attention by keeping the activities fun and interesting. We are up to three word combinations which is wonderful! He still loves loves loves motorcycles, tractors, and BIG trucks. Since the weather is nice outside it's been fun to go to the park and zoo on the weekends. He is becoming such a big boy right before my eyes, he wants to do everything himself now. He likes to put his shirt on BY HIMSELF, even if it's backwards.. And that goes the same for shoes. There have been a few times when I've picked him from daycare and he's had his shoes on the wrong feet because he insisted on putting them on. One thing that hasn't changed is he's still a big hugger and I hope he's always that way. We're constantly telling him how important it is to be sweet to others, because we all know boys can be wild and crazy! :)

Some medical updates, he had his eye appointment in September and he had a good check up. There has been no change in his eyes from last year's visit so that's super great news! BTW.. he's not a big fan of Dr. Lewis. It's like as soon as we get there he knows what's about to go down. I don't blame him because I know the drops are no fun. He's a tough kid though, and has been through so much at such a young age. I admire him so much! While we were down there he also had an appt with a dermatologist for the little blood vessels on his face. She said when we're ready and the time is right they can do a laser treatment to remove them. She did want to test him for one condition Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Since he gets nose bleeds and has the little spots on his face she wanted to check make sure this wasn't a problem for him. The only concern would be if any develop internally on any of his organs. We're hoping to rule this out. So far they can't tie this issue to the PBD (Peroxisomal Disorder), but they aren't ruling it out. Cole's case hasn't been by the books so far so the possibility is out there. We have another appt next Thursday at TCH, he will get another ABR. This is the hearing test we do yearly, so keep your fingers and toes crossed that there has been no change. He will also have to get some blood work done while we're down there. This will be the test the Dermatologist ordered and also his Geneticist wanted to test his Vitamin K and see how his phytanic levels look since being on the diet. And we'll be done for the year, YIPPEE!!! And then we can just play, relax, have fun, and be merry and grateful for all the things we have. Please continue to pray for him, we appreciate all the support. Have a Happy Fall! xoxo

1 comment:

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

Oh, how I LOVE this guy!!!! I'm so glad his hearing test went well!! Praying everything else checks out just as great!! He is as cute as ever...growing up so fast!! Such a love :) Happy fall, Mr. C!!! Love you guys....